After several thousands of years of existence in the orient, the doors of the rest of the world are now opening wide to the healing art of acupuncture.

Acupuncture is an art of healing (treating diseases by pricking tiny needles in the body surface).

Acupuncture is the world’s oldest medicine and the least damaging to administer to the human body.

In Latin ACUS means Needle or Point and OUCTURE means to Prick.

Acupuncture arose first in Central Asia with the Indus Valley Civilization and spread from there along the silk and spice routes.

In Mahabharata, Pitamaha Bhismas body was laid down on the bed of arrows to keep him alive till Uttarayan. Acupuncture has been showing in Khajuraho caves too.

Acupuncture has tremendous results in a wide range of cases where Allopathy has not been able to achieve any success.

At Asiya we practice acupuncture in a systematic diagnostic approach after giving a proper understanding to the patient.

It is practiced in a very strict hygiene regime, and needles once used are disposed off immediately.

It has given us tremendous success in a wide range of Musculoskeletal problems and achieve faster and better results.